Festo Didaktik Interviews


Festo Didactic serves 61 countries as the world's leading supplier of technical teaching solutions. It guides industrial companies in acquiring the necessary equipment. In today's success, as 3E Industrial Eagleye RSD® software assume an important role, Festo Didactic offers a wide range of turnkey training solutions in the field of industrial technology. Festo Didactic Turkey General Manager Alpay Özkan, shared the company's past and how their ways met with 3E Industrial.


Could you tell us about your company and solutions?

Festo is the world's leading provider of automation technology and, with Festo Didactic, the world's leading supplier of technical teaching solutions. As a globally managed independent family business with headquarters in Esslingen, Germany, Festo has been the performance leader in its industry since 1925. This achievement is the result of specialized and diverse technical education and training programs, as well as the ability to continuously innovate and solve problems in all aspects of pneumatics.

Today's people need an education system based on problem solving, applying principles, analytical skills and creativity, rather than an education based on rote. In the teaching process, feedback correction approach is more needed to increase high level mental development, in order to increase the ability of advanced thinking, giving hints, providing participation, using practice, greatly improves learning in the full learning method.

Festo Didactic, with its experience since 1965, offers training, skill development, competence and consultancy services in approximately 61 countries around the world. We are the world's leading supplier of technical education and training institutions as well as a provider of consulting and training services for the industry. We have equipped more than 36,000 education and training institutions with our own equipment. Our aim is to maximize learning success in educational institutions and industrial companies around the world.

With the Training Needs Analysis study, which we set out with the understanding that you can manage what you can measure, we measure the competencies of the working personnel with theoretical and practical tests and create training programs based on the competencies that need to be developed with personalized training programs.

Festo Didactic, which will respond to the demands of the economy and the labor market, places great emphasis on applied technical training for the industry needs. In line with this importance, we organize trainings for 5,000 people every year in our country. Education and training institutions and industrial organizations around the world rely on Festo Didactic to support their technical education efforts. We offer turnkey training solutions in a wide variety of industrial technology areas.

How did your ways meet with 3E Industrial? What is your reason for choosing Eagleye RSD® software?

We thought that our Industry 4.0 model factory system would work much more functionally with Eagleye RSD® software. During our meetings with 3E Industrial, we got information that the software will work perfectly with the equipment produced for Industry 4.0. Due to the flexibility of the firm's software, we made it possible to control all changes and additions on the system through the software. In short, the reason we chose this software is flexibility, equipment compatibility and real-time operation by visualizing the entire system.

What did you get from this choice?

It made the Industry 4.0 model factory system a more understandable and easier to use system in trainings. In addition, flexible manufacturing systems, which is a very popular topic today, and it allowed it to be used in real time.

What do you think is the most important factor in working with 3E Industrial?

The company works with a customer satisfaction focus and is an institutional R&D company. We have been working for many years due to the technical support, training and after sales support provided by 3E Industrial in the process from the project stage to the commissioning of the system.

We would like to get information about your R&D investments and studies.

Our R&D center is in Germany, and we allocate 8% of our annual turnover to R&D studies. 100 patents are obtained annually. In Festo Turkey, by using our design center we support our clients' R & D activities with tailored products and solutions. We design products with modifications in line with the needs of our customers, our customers obtain patents for the modifications made.

What kind of company strategy did you adopt during the COVID-19 process and the new normal?

As Festo, we fulfilled the requirements of the hygiene, infection prevention and control certification program by the Turkish Standards Institute, and we were entitled to receive the "TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificate. Thus, we have secured the health of both our employees and our customers." We continue to protect our employees and customers by increasing our measures every day.

Our company has quickly adapted to the COVID-19 process and the new normal due to its strong IT infrastructure. All of our personnel, except the logistics and production departments of our company, have been working as home offices since the first days of the pandemic process. We moved most of the training activities from face-to-face training to online training. We accelerated our establishment goal of the e-learning platform and it will be operational in January 2021. In this sense, Turkey's largest SCORM (interactive training) will be based on technical training platform.

Finally, what are your goals for the future?

Festo, the world leader in the field of Automation and Technical Education, continues to lead the market with investments and innovation studies. To support their technical education efforts with educational institutions and industrial organizations around the world and to carry out their activities together.

Turkey also enables the development of industry and industrial, blue and white collar individuals, to increase their competence in the Industry 4.0 new industrial revolution is one of the our top priority. We have established and will continue to establish new training laboratories on new industrial revolutions, together with many universities, vocational high schools and non-governmental organizations. We take an active role in creating curricula at the 4th and 5th level (Vocational High School and Vocational High School) in the established laboratories, and we will continue to do so. We will continue to provide value-added trainings by minimizing the losses in the industry with practical trainings to be held in industrial establishments.




Alpay Özkan

Festo Didaktik Turkey General Manager